As the term “brand ambassador” suggests, a person with this title is formally recognised by a brand as someone representing them, or someone helping to spread the word about the brand, in a context such as an in-person promotional event.
With it being central to a brand ambassador’s job to effectively embody what the brand they represent stands for, when you are looking to hire skilled promo staff for your organisation’s next event, brand ambassadors are sure to be near the top of your “shopping list”.
But it’s one thing to recruit suitable brand ambassadors in the first place, and another thing to extract their maximum potential at the event itself. So, we decided to put the spotlight on three measures that will help you get the best out of yours.
Ensure they are suitably trained and briefed
This is something that you won’t need to worry about when you turn to BrandWarriors for your next set of brand ambassadors for a fast-approaching event. This is because our brand ambassadors are already excellently trained, and we will help ensure they are fully briefed so that they are convincing representatives of your brand the moment they appear at the venue in your colours.
But of course, it is your own brand that will be doing the training and briefing, you will naturally need to get this process right. That will mean ensuring your brand ambassadors are left in no doubt about what your brand is about, why you have hired them for the role, and the type of event or setting at which they will be serving as brand ambassadors.
Doing this will help your brand ambassadors feel well-equipped to do their job effectively. Understanding your brand and its requirements and expectations will help your brand ambassadors to communicate clear, confident, and enthusiastic messaging to your target audiences.
Cultivate a positive working environment
It might not seem like a revelatory statement these days to say that happier employees are also those likeliest to deliver the best results for your brand. However, such a statement might be even truer of staffers in the kind of public-facing role that brand ambassadors occupy.
After all, you will inevitably want to convey pride and confidence in your brand to your target audiences when they attend events like trade shows or product launches.
Brand ambassadors who are treated well, and who are told that they matter, are those who will get the job done, and whose positive attitude will be contagious for everyone they interact with at the given event. Even simply from the point of view of safeguarding everyone’s mental health, creating a good working environment for your brand ambassadors should be a high priority for you.
Provide constructive feedback
Whether your brand ambassadors will only be with you for a relatively short assignment, or you are looking to cultivate a longer-term relationship with them as a brand, you should be providing feedback after every job. And in turn, your brand ambassadors should be providing feedback to you.
Whether you are praising your brand ambassadors for a job well done, or providing constructive criticism to help ensure improvement in key areas, it is a vital process.
If someone does a job well, they like to be told that they have done a job well. And if there are ways in which you or your brand ambassadors could do better, it benefits everyone involved to have open and respectful conversations about this, to help make sure the next assignment you take on together is executed to best possible effect.
As you can hopefully see from the above, then, it is not enough to simply hire skilled promo staff – you will also need to make all the right moves from the start to the end of your work from your brand ambassadors and agency. To get started on that relationship and to discover how our own promotional staff could help maximise your brand’s impact, please don’t hesitate to contact us